Ahhh! Escape! I got off cam­pus last night and I think that is just what I need­ed. You can go slow­ly insane with­out even notic­ing it around here. As usu­al I am still hav­ing trou­ble with a social exis­tence at ND. This place is like junior high school, only even more grotesque since we are all old­er and risk more in our rela­tion­ships. Per­haps that is why I have such trou­ble find­ing some­one that is a fit for me. This sounds arro­gant, but I think I have a bet­ter idea of what it means to be in a rela­tion­ship than many peo­ple do here. Any­way, I went over to Steve’s place and we got his new com­put­er up and run­ning and watched Ground­hog Day. It was fun­ny to go into his apart­ment com­plex and see the only row of apart­ments with pow­er as his. We had this big ice storm… The Fenc­ing team is in Col­orado, I wish I were with them. I miss bout­ing and it would pro­vide a bet­ter escape from my shal­low, child­like, and incon­tro­vert­ibly obliv­i­ous room­mate. I guess last night he was brag­ging about how he hooked up with three girls in a 24 hour peri­od. So I guess that makes him dirty too. What a com­plete ass. Today I am going to do a sim­ple 5shot excer­cise for my Film Pro­duc­tion class. It should­n’t take much more than a half hour or so to film and edit­ing prob­a­bly an hour… We also have to plan out a silent nar­ra­tive for Wednes­day’s class. Things are get­ting rollin’ and about damn time. I’m hun­gry.