6.3.02 INT. 450 SIEGFRIED HALL 1:05pm DAY

to ensure my con­tin­u­ing nerdi­ness here is what my char­ac­ter sketch would be like if i lived in a fan­ta­sy world (apart from the one i am in cur­rent­ly)

name: Herin (but known to most as Erandir)

race: elf

job: mid-lev­el mage, user of blue mag­ic (mag­ic used by non-human crea­tures and learned by hav­ing it cast upon you)

phys­i­cal descrip­tion: 6′2″ 160 pounds brown hair and brown eyes, short-cropped hair (buz­z­cut the same all around) and sev­er­al days growth of facial hair. white shirt, brown breech­es, a small trav­el­ing case (con­tain­ing a book of spells, a book of elvish poet­ry, a jour­nal, a quill and ink, a can­teen, whet­stone, rope, and cram) across the shoul­ders and a belt with a few pouch­es and slots in it (con­tain­ing mon­ey and heal­ing herbs). no boots but moc­casins. spec­ta­cles. for bad weath­er a dark grey cloak with a deep hood held togeth­er by a tar­nished sil­ver brooch shape­less but rem­i­nis­cent of water. pan­pipes.

weapons: two dag­gers and a quar­ter­staff, but can use a rapi­er if need be (but does­n’t have one).

per­son­al­i­ty: a harm­less smar­tass that trav­els around the world but nev­er seems to get any­where.

oth­er dis­tin­guis­ing char­ac­ter­is­tics: has a pet squir­rel named Mr. Squir­rel.

did i for­get any­thing?