today, my first day at home, was spent christ­mas shop­ping with moth­er. i con­vinced her to spend $90 on a coat for me. and appar­ent­ly i was a good luck charm for find­ing the gifts she need­ed to. i’m still a lit­tle lovesick, coweyed, moon­struck, but that is only to be expect­ed. appar­ent­ly, i, he who has too many ver­sions of Lord of the Rings to his name still does­n’t have the one nec­es­sary for this class i am tak­ing. i need one with con­tin­u­ous pag­i­na­tion. grant­ed, i have this ver­sion, but not this ver­sion which is the one we are sup­posed to have. my ver­sion is bet­ter.