Man did I rake it in this Christ­mas. I must admit that I was spoiled this year. I got pret­ty much every­thing I asked for. High­lights include a DVD home the­ater sys­tem, new mes­sen­ger bag, foun­tain pen ink, and books galore [includ­ing cook­books]. The extend­ed week­end was quite tir­ing though. I arrived home Christ­mas Eve around 8, went to Mid­night Mass at 11, got up at 6 for presents at home, drove to my aun­t’s [arriv­ing at 9:30] for more presents, drove to Fort Wayne the next day to my uncle’s for yet more gift unwrap­ping [and the pur­chase of my DVD home the­ater for 97 bucks] drove back to Noblesville the same day, home to Con­nersville the next morn­ing, and then back to Cleve­land on Sun­day. I put near one thou­sand miles on my trav­el­ing count this Christ­mas. It was all worth it though, I ate plen­ty of fudge, prime rib, sug­ar cook­ies, apple pie, braised ham, but­ter cook­ies, vod­ka ton­ics, more fudge. I still havent gained any weight. In a few days time, at Stone’s New Years par­ty I will con­tin­ue to eat things. I’m also going to make a non-alco­holic was­sail for the rev­el­ers.

I wrote this poem for my mom as a present.