I have redesigned, updat­ed, and con­vert­ed to Move­able­Type, my apt­ly named writ­ing sec­tion: Ver­bal Impo­tence. As added fea­tures, the use­abil­i­ty has increased and it has com­ment­ing. New Look, Same Crap­py Writ­ing. I even added a new poem to it. So I sup­pose it is New Look! More Crap­py Writ­ing!

Any­way, I stole this link from the Riley Dog because Banksy is my kin­da guy. And in oth­er news, the pope does shit in the woods, plus I still have no job. Up next,

Brit­tan­nia: A Selec­tive His­to­ry from the Expe­di­tion of Cae­sar to the Nor­man Con­quest. Make sure to check out the Flow­ers of His­to­ry.