i’m bust­ing my way through more of the top 50 sci-fi/­fan­ta­sy list. three books in two days. i’ve also applied to a few more jobs — in chica­go, bloom­ing­ton, cleve­land, white­land, indi­anapo­lis. two sec­onds ago the fedex guy deliv­ered my tix to my Notre Dame games — Michi­gan State, the game against USC where i will receive my nation­al cham­pi­onship ring, and the Mono­gram Club game against BYU. i’ve com­plet­ed all of the mate­ri­als to be a state cer­ti­fied sub­sti­tute teacher and i’ve been run­ning late­ly with phil. last week­end i was up at my aunt and uncle for their garage sale. they made over $1k in one day. also hung out with my cousins a bit and saw Amer­i­can Wed­ding, which pret­ty much sucked — but i did­n’t have to pay for it so big whup.

my life is an exer­cise in busy tedi­um. the rea­son i haven’t updat­ed is because no one cares to hear about tedi­um. tomor­row though you may expect the next edi­tion of Cas­tle-town. i’ve also bare­ly begun a short sto­ry ten­ta­tive­ly titled “Con­ve­nience Charge.”

a mil­i­tary max­im: when in doubt, emp­ty the mag­a­zine.