i’m back in the tucky, unfor­tu­nate in some ways. i’m look­ing for guid­ance in Chica­go of all places. been read­ing Dan­ger­ous Visions, the clas­sic sci-fi anthol­o­gy. its edi­tor Har­lan Elli­son spear­head­ed it and sought no-holds barred, no such thing as a taboo top­ic short sto­ries. they are all pret­ty amaz­ing. Philip Jos? Farmer’s piece Rid­ers of the Pur­ple Wage reminds me of a some­what hap­pi­er, and more glib Pyn­chon.

New York i think is a bit too much for hay­haired me. the pace, the amount of effort it would take me to make ends meet would keep me from enjoy­ing the city at all. if i get anoth­er job out there [per­haps pend­ing with Third Watch] i’ll def­i­nite­ly return. i just wish i had had had had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to expe­ri­ence the city a bit more. have some fun. the only way i could have done that was by not sleep­ing ever, and well you know how i am with sleep.

i’ve some unfin­ished busi­ness out there though. most impor­tant­ly, i owe a cer­tain Edlund para edlun­dart a din­ner.