So when I was talk­ing with some­one [ok it was my moth­er] over the week­end she once again raised a con­cern about my con­tent on this thingy. She wor­ries that my Men­non­ite uncle, who appar­ent­ly reads this… actu­al­ly I can’t even tell what she wor­ries about because she just says ‘I read it and then I think about C______, he reads it…’

I sort of know what she is get­ting at, but because her objec­tions are so ill-defined I’m inclined to toss them out the win­dow. I think she feels that, because C______ is Men­non­ite, he needs some sort of spe­cial pro­tec­tion from crude lan­guage [for instance, when I write ‘fuck’ or ‘raisin-tit­tied’ or ‘cor­pus­cle’] and oth­er vul­gar behav­iors. Which is ridicu­lous. We live in the same world and pre­tend­ing to be some­thing I’m not is dis­hon­est. I’d rather be vul­gar than dis­hon­est any day of the week, and twice as vul­gar on sun­day.

Do I say the kind of things I say in here in front of my fam­i­ly? No way. There isn’t much room for vul­gar­i­ty or obscen­i­ty when I’m with my kin, and there is also no rea­son for me to feel the need to be that way, so I’m not. It isn’t like I am a dif­fer­ent per­son, it is just that I know the time and place where cer­tain behav­iors are use­ful. Fam­i­ly time = respect.

Which does­n’t real­ly bring me back to my point but I will pre­tend it does any­way. Vis­it­ing my site is vol­un­tary, if you come to vis­it I expect you to put up with how I say things. I don’t have to be respect­ful to any­thing or any­one for any rea­son in this space. You can call me out on obvi­ous blun­ders and mis­con­cep­tions [like Mat­ty and the pics of dead folks]. I wel­come that stuff and will engage in it. But if you say one damn word com­plain­ing about what I write about or how I write about what I write about you can go to hell.