Today is the first day that peo­ple in the Mid­west [includ­ing Ohio!] can take advan­tage of The Fair and Accu­rate Cred­it Trans­ac­tions Act of 2003. You can now get a free cred­it report on your­self once a year. Just make sure you print it out right away, at least from Equifax. They only give you once chance to do it and the site does­n’t have the best usabil­i­ty.

[via MeFi 12.01.2004] Free Annu­al Cred­it Reports

The Fair and Accu­rate Cred­it Trans­ac­tions Act of 2003 goes in to effect today. One of the major pro­vi­sions of the bill, is that con­sumers now have the right to one free report from each of the three major cred­it bureaus every 12 months.
