It is that time of year again. I find it hard to believe that this is the 4th year that I’ve had a writ­ing con­test. The first three years were haiku con­tests, this year I’m broad­en­ing it in form and being a bit more spe­cif­ic in regard to con­tent. I hope you like the prize. April is Nation­al Poet­ry Month and my hum­ble con­test lasts the thir­ty days. Details past the jump.


Don Eulert’s book Field: A Haiku Cir­cle presents an admirable require­ment for this lit­tle con­test of mine; name­ly:

…haiku should sim­ply arise out of a gen­uine­ly felt moment, and…“be the start­ing-points for trains of thoughts and emo­tions.” … A short poem like haiku needs jux­ta­po­si­tion. A haiku that might become a “start­ing-place for trains of thought and emo­tion” begins with a non-didac­tic Zen atten­tion. Then maybe a cou­ple of things come into aware­ness simul­ta­ne­ous­ly, with a lit­tle sur­prise. … More a way of being in the world than a way of writ­ing, haiku sup­pos­ed­ly see with­out ego. … But Robert Haas notes that even Basho takes us into “the deep­er mys­ter­ies” through what Haas calls “the scent of a par­tic­u­lar human life.”

But as I’ve already said, this is a bit broad­er than a haiku con­test. Any kind of poet­ry is accept­able, but what I’d like you to do is to strive to teach with­out teach­ing, show with­out telling and be with­out being self-con­scious. The poem does­n’t have to be those things, but I’d appre­ci­ate it if you tried writ­ing in that sort of mind­set. If you reread this you might real­ize that there aren’t real­ly any require­ments. Don’t wor­ry about your writ­ing skill. Each poem is an equal­ly won­der­ful gift in my eyes.


Poems should be e‑mailed to no lat­er than April 30th. Any­thing received in May isn’t eli­gi­ble to win a prize.

Rules and Dis­claimer:

1. Don’t pla­gia­rize. I’ll find out. I’m good like that.
2. I will post your poem here, you will still retain the copy­right to your work, I’m just repro­duc­ing it for every­one’s enjoy­ment.
3. I’m the sole judge. Ooh, Scary.
4. I’m not mak­ing any mon­ey off this con­test, or your poet­ry.
5. Any­thing else I for­got goes here.


Four folks will get prizes. Only the grand prize is excep­tion­al. The rest are sort of lame.

Mega-Jum­bo-Super-Hap­py-Joy-Sauer­kraut Grand Prize:

• A copy of Don Eulert’s Field: A Haiku Cir­cle. Only 1,000 copies were print­ed, so this is a rare treat and quite hard to get ahold of.

Field: A Haiku Cir­cle is the title of Don Eulert’s col­lec­tion of prize-win­ning haiku for bed­side read­ing, med­i­ta­tion, and hol­i­day gift­ing. Field is the result of one year in which Dr. Eulert wrote a haiku each day as a method of con­tem­pla­tive prac­tice. Dr. Eulert has pro­mul­gat­ed Zen and Haiku in teach­ing at Colum­bia Uni­ver­si­ty, Reed Col­lege, the C.G. Jung Insti­tute-Zurich, and at Alliant’s San Diego cam­pus, where he has been a pro­fes­sor of cul­tur­al psy­chol­o­gy for over 20 years. In 1963, Dr. Eulert co-found­ed Amer­i­can Haiku, the first jour­nal in Eng­lish devot­ed to Zen poems in the Japan­ese tra­di­tion. That pub­li­ca­tion led to flour­ish­ing haiku soci­eties and pub­li­ca­tion of haiku in numer­ous lan­guages. Pub­lished by AHA Books, Gualala, CA.

• A per­son­al­ized mix CD.

ROFLMAO-Indi­go-Kiel­basa-Opi­um-Heav­en­ly-Three-Peo­ple-Tied-For-First-Run­ner-Up First Run­ners Up Prize:

• A per­son­al­ized mix CD.

Any ques­tions? Shoot me an email.