The Blog­ger Meet­up was last night, and when we got most of the gos­sip out of the way, we start­ed in on Wal-Mart and pos­si­bly using this issue, which a few of us feel quite strong­ly on, to test our effi­ca­cy as a blog­ging com­mu­ni­ty. See if we can’t make a dif­fer­ence instead of just talk­ing. If you’d like to join in, a good first resource is over at Democ­ra­cy Guy. There is an infor­ma­tion­al and orga­ni­za­tion­al meet­ing next Wednes­day at the Tree­house. I also ate at the Grove­wood Tav­ern, Beer, Food and free WiFi. I got a Bison Steak Sand­wich with spicy mayo, cheese, romaine let­tuce and baby beef­steaks and house fries for $8.50. I also had a He’Brew, The Cho­sen Beer.