I’ve been doing pret­ty good on the run­ning front this sum­mer. At least, I’ve kept with it, despite not real­ly hav­ing a reg­u­lar sched­ule. Final­ly, this week, I found my stride again. I’ve also man­aged to start run­ning for longer peri­ods, I’m now up to 45 min­utes with ease. Now, I plan on run­ning a marathon before I turn 30, so if I get a bit of fire lit under my ass this year from run­ning, I’ll prob­a­bly start seri­ous­ly train­ing. I’m run­ning in two upcom­ing 5ks, the Bil­ly Bass Run to Help in August, and the Race for the Cure in Octo­ber. It is some­what strange though, while run­ning is slow­ly putting me back in sem­blance of shape, I think it is wear­ing my gimp knee out. Either that or the age of the injury is start­ing to show itself. I believe I am start­ing to devel­op a slight but per­ma­nent limp. It isn’t slow­ing me down at all, but I think I’m rock­ing back and forth a bit more than usu­al when I walk. I also got some cat­calls and whis­tles while run­ning down West 25th yes­ter­day. I’m used to get­ting heck­led while run­ning, thank­ful­ly the ‘Run For­rest Run’ days are long past, but get­ting ogled while run­ning is some­thing new.