So I vot­ed a while ago. The turnout appears to be abysmal. I was the 91st per­son to vote in Ward 13, Precinct M. I sup­pose that was expect­ed. I guess in the end my vote counts for more, if less folks show up. Still, I’d rather have excel­lent turnouts. Get­ting to my polling place at Pil­grim Church con­sist­ed of run­ning a gaunt­let of dudes try­ing to hand me stuff about some can­di­date or such. I man­aged to avoid them all by say­ing I was­n’t going there to vote. Suck­ers. I know that you aren’t allowed to cam­paign with­in a cer­tain dis­tance of the polling place, but I’d rather have a ban on cam­paign­ing alto­geth­er on elec­tion days. Also, Elec­tion Day should be a nation­al hol­i­day. If it was, I’d cer­tain­ly be more inclined to work at a polling place and take the load off of the old folks who should be at home enjoy­ing their retire­ment. Today I also found out that some­one is run­ning against my coun­cil­man. I think. I don’t real­ly know what to think about the Cleve­land elec­tion process. I’ve seen more hot­ly debat­ed Fair Queen com­pe­ti­tions.

Link of the Day: AskPhiloso­phers