Dear Friends and Fam­i­ly,

The time is fast approach­ing for my birth­day and Christ­mas. If you are smart you are already order­ing hol­i­day gifts from Ama­zon. If you wait until after Thanks­giv­ing, there is no guar­an­tee you’ll get things in time. I have two wish­lists. I keep my Tolkien obses­sion sep­a­rate from the oth­er stuff for orga­ni­za­tion­al pur­pos­es. The links I’ve pro­vid­ed should orga­nize my wish­lists by pri­or­i­ty. As always, you don’t have to order from here if you find it else­where.

My reg­u­lar wish­list is here.
My Tolkien wish­list is here.
My MEC wish­list is here.

I would also like:

• Non-theme-based mag­net­ic poet­ry.
• A full-size iron­ing board.
• A big bot­tle of Cen­trum.
• A six-month mem­ber­ship at a gym or a few appoint­ments with a per­son­al train­er.
• If you smoke, to stop smok­ing.

I will update this as my greed esca­lates with the impend­ing hol­i­days.

Alter­na­tive­ly, you could buy a poor folk some­thing in my name from Oxfam.