…I am focused like a laser beam on noth­ing at all. This is a recipe for mad­ness. A hold­ing pat­tern, wait­ing to hear from sev­er­al sources on sev­er­al dif­fer­ent top­ics. My plate needs one less side dish. To con­tin­ue the metaphor, I feel like I am spin­ning plates on top of lit­tle dow­els, and the plates have deli­cious things to eat on them, but I can’t eat any of them because I have to keep the plates spin­ning. I just need three spe­cif­ic phone calls, two pack­age deliv­er­ies and Sat­ur­day. Such is sum­mer. 6 months from now I’ll bemoan­ing the fact that all I have to do is watch Cri­te­ri­on Col­lec­tion films.