I had a full and excel­lent week­end, full of superla­tives. I had sushi at Pacif­ic East because Kimo’s was closed for the Indi­an’s game, watched A Mur­der of Crows by Mac Well­man at The Lim­in­is and had a Pis­co Sour and Bour­bon Daisy at the VTR. A Mur­der of Crows [I’m prob­a­bly going to go see it again to make sure] may very well be my new favorite play. I did­n’t real­ly have an old favorite play, but this one fit right up my alley. I got a sweet ‘bin­er clip with built-in flash­light at the VTR too.

On Sat­ur­day I grilled some kebabs from the WSM and made the most deli­cious pork chop I’ve ever had. Yes, a few weeks ago I said the same thing, but this chop was bet­ter. Heir­loom toma­toes and roast­ed corn on the cob com­plet­ed the meal. I also put­tered around Mar­ket Square and the City Xpres­sionz [God I hate typ­ing like I’m l33t] spray-paintathon.

Sun­day I did my laun­dry and went to see Thee Sil­ver Mt. Zion and BLKTYGR at the Grog Shop. Rafeeq & Co. put on the best show I’d seen from them and Thee Sil­ver Mt. Zion made me think about the meld­ing of pol­i­tics and art. How all too often art is used in the ser­vice of pol­i­tics instead of the oth­er way ’round. Thee Sil­ver does it the oth­er way ’round and the music def­i­nite­ly ben­e­fits from it.

I should also men­tion that I made my first [and hope­ful­ly last] vis­it to Crock­er Park over the week­end. That place is the flag­ship of Amer­i­can deca­dence and moral bank­rupt­cy. An enclosed sub­ur­ban “lifestyle cen­ter” [“mall” is too pro­le, appar­ent­ly] designed to look urban, com­plete with res­i­den­tial lofts above the big box­es, speak­ers vom­it­ing top-40 muzak from the ’80s hid­den behind the care­ful land­scap­ing and the whole place made my skin crawl. Seri­ous­ly. Sub­ur­ban faux-urban loft apart­ments above a rich-per­son-only mall where you can buy a park­ing space so you don’t have to walk as far to the stores. I did­n’t see one non-white per­son the entire time I was there. WASP city. The place made my skin fuck­ing crawl. More on Lit­tle Citadels.