Just as I was get­ting bored yes­ter­day Rafeeq called me up because he need­ed a ride to Crack­er Park to pick up some shoes. Rafeeq is good for me because he helps me loosen and light­en up. So we got valet park­ing for my car, which, if you’ve seen my car, is hilar­i­ous. We got his kicks and I ordered a pair of brown shoes for $25. Then we wan­dered through Bor­ders and I got my first Christ­mas gift of the year, Sea­mus Heaney’s Select­ed Poems. I read a bit of it last night, and it promis­es to be excel­lent. We stayed to watch Casi­no Royale, which lives up to all of the hype. The open­ing chase sequence fea­tures some com­plete­ly awe­some and ful­ly inte­grat­ed park­our. [1, 2, 3] It was a great flick and worth the $8.50 tick­et price. I had­n’t real­ized how used to the Mar­quee Club Mem­ber­ship I was until I end­ed up drop­ping full price for a movie tick­et. After the movie we shot the shit with the valets, mak­ing fun of the gag­gles of mid­dle school aged per­sons flit­ting around in their shrugs and flip flops in 30 degree weath­er. ‘Feeq said he could­n’t wait to read what I wrote about the evening. So here it is. I dropped him off and then got my car filled up and washed. So now it is miss­ing even more paint.