I took a Pho­to­Shop class all day today just down the street from my office. I learned a met­ric fuck­ton of info that I can’t wait to put into prac­tice. I used to won­der what could be so impor­tant that busi­ness folks would be on their cell­phones all the time, but I was wor­ried about the deliv­ery of the ISC Annu­al Report since I was the main moti­va­tor at get­ting a few copies print­ed and bound nice­ly. They were due yes­ter­day, and last I knew they still had­n’t been deliv­ered. They’re due tomor­row, by law, to the ADP Board, so I was hitch­ing back down the street on breaks and mak­ing phone calls to check on the every­thing.

And the thing is, I don’t mind it. I love the fact that I’m trust­ed to imple­ment my ideas and expect­ed to suc­ceed at them. My judg­ment is trust­ed and I love that respon­si­bil­i­ty.