I bust­ed out the grill for the first time and cooked some cheap­ie Spencer steaks on it yes­ter­day. I made a lime and olive oil mari­nade; I stole the idea from Fahren­heit, only I put a lot more lime in mine. Since the steaks were so skin­ny I made sand­wich­es out of them, with just a lit­tle bit of mayo they became amaz­ing­ly deli­cious. On the side was a chunk of edam, some kala­matas and mixed veg­gies.

The bike ride down­town was uphill and into the wind both ways, but fun nonethe­less. As long as the weath­er keeps, I’ll be that jack­ass on a bike in dress clothes. Tremon­ter and Dru­pal are giv­ing me a big headache. It’s a piece of crap pro­gram, but as far as I can tell its the only one out there that sor­ta does all the things I want it to. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, when­ev­er they upgrade the ver­sion, it breaks all the third par­ty stuff. Word­Press, how I love thee.