I first heard Divi­sion of Planes on MetaFil­ter Music. I told them to come to Cleve­land because I thought they’d go down well. One of the band mem­bers con­tact­ed me for more info. Well, they’re com­ing to Cleve­land, and they got the gig on their own gump­tion. If you check out their web­site they’re described as post-punk math-rock; but all I know is that I want to take off my head and scream at it when I lis­ten to the two tracks they have avail­able on their site. [Seri­ous­ly worth down­load­ing]

Now That’s Class
June, 8 2007
11213 Detroit Ave @ W112th
Cleve­land, Ohio 44102

Also play­ing:
The Vapids
Hol­ly­wood Blondes
Chrome Kick­ers

Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I’m going to be out of town on the night of their show, which has me roy­al­ly pissed. Some­one needs to vol­un­teer to pick up a copy of their EP for me.