DSC02025 On Thurs­day I became a home­own­er! What a frig­gin process it was though. I’ll go into more detail with that in a fur­ther post. Right now I’m enjoy­ing my cur­rent dis­as­ter area. I pulled out all the car­pet, padding and tack­board stuff that evening, so the floors are a bit rough right now. The wall­pa­per is old and nico­tine-stained, and the bath­room door won’t stay open, but the place is mine, final­ly. I had lots of help from a friend who is now a neigh­bor and a few oth­ers too. I’ve been enjoy­ing beer on my front porch.

I’ve also dropped a shit-ton of mon­ey get­ting emer­gency needs this week­end. Tomor­row I hope to get my kitchen put away and the dry­er vent hooked up. Then, pulling more sta­ples. I know I’ve become my moth­er when stuff like that sounds fun. Except more beer is involved with me. Whee!