I took a break from pulling sta­ples and inhal­ing what might be lead paint dust to go to the Beach­land for a show. Just about every­one I know in the Cleve­land music scene was there, which is always a good sign. I’d even found my old “THE BOSSES YOU LOSE” shirt on my last vis­it home, so I could bust out my old high school con­cert t‑shirt again. Self Destruct But­ton start­ed out, prov­ing that bands in their vec­tor are always bet­ter live. They’ve nailed the “craft chaos that tum­bles to order” mar­ket. They played an unex­pect­ed Rush cov­er “Spir­it of Radio” at the end of their set which made every­one go nuts in its strange but effec­tive trans­la­tion into exper­i­men­tal punk. Unfor­tu­nate­ly, I’m a jack­ass and did­n’t get video of them.

I did get some video of Pro­le­tar­i­an Art Threat, play­ing their last show ever. Old style punk rock, and appar­ent­ly they’ve been around for over a decade, off and on but most­ly off late­ly, so I guess it isn’t sur­pris­ing I had nev­er seen them before. Lots of jump­ing off stage and beer spilled.

Parts & Labor wrapped up the evening with their 10th vis­it to Cleve­land and my 3rd time see­ing them. They said that they aren’t always received enthu­si­as­ti­cal­ly else­where and that “there are few places like Cleve­land” which led to a few shouts of “Thank God!” which, I sup­pose, can be read in two dif­fer­ent ways, depend­ing on your mood. I was in a good one. They put on anoth­er fierce show, played some new stuff where the vocals got aching­ly melod­ic at times.