Lou shot me an email today to help him restore his Word­Press after his site was hacked, he came over right after I got home and we fixed it fair­ly quick­ly. Then he and I met up with Shawn at the Lin­coln Park Pub for Taco Tues­day and I ran into my old boss. Found out she reads this and has been keep­ing tabs. Hi boss. Had some tacos, met some new folks, shot the shit and had a nice relax­ing time for a cou­ple of hours. That’s the kind of soci­ety I dig. Spon­ta­neous, chill, hilar­i­ous, food.

Mar­ried women have been hit­ting on me the last few days. I was at my friend Sandy’s birth­day par­ty on Sat­ur­day and Amy and I both got the vibe that this run­way cat­a­log mod­el­ish woman was flirt­ing with me. Then, at the gym today, this oth­er lady kept mov­ing to work out in front of me and check­ing to see if I was look­ing at her and asked me if I was get­ting a good work­out. Wed­ding ring on the fin­ger. Maybe they aren’t hit­ting on me [pos­tu­late] and I’ve an enor­mous ego [fact] or they feel like I’m safe to flirt at [pos­tu­late] when the hubs isn’t around. This is just as strange as get­ting hit on by gay guys while run­ning was a year ago; but not as fun­ny. My cur­rent boss says that being mar­ried does­n’t mean what it used to, and that expec­ta­tion that mar­ried folks are going to cheat trou­bles me.