DSC02277It has been a busy few days. Thurs­day was the Night to Unite which I have a bunch of pho­tos of since I let Amy use my cam­era. Fri­day I end­ed up work­ing a bit lat­er than usu­al since some impor­tant web main­te­nance came in right at the end of the work day and I was the only one left around to post it. I sup­pose I should­n’t com­plain too much though, since I got to watch the Thun­der­birds prac­tice for the air­show most of the day out of my office win­dow. Once I got home my friend Sandy need­ed some help replac­ing her ancient 200#+ stove with a much new­er and hip­per mod­el. Since I just went through that myself, I helped with the gas and sun­dries. Then I had to rush to get clean and hit the gro­cery store for the fix­ings for din­ner. I had a friend over and grilled some mari­nad­ed rib­eye steaks with baked sweet pota­toes and snow peas. It was deli­cious.

DSC02308Sat­ur­day was an ear­ly start in order to get to the Geor­gia Tech ver­sus Notre Dame dis­as­ter­ba­cle. I met up with Liam and once-again preg­nant Anne [this time Liam won and it is a boy] for a brief moment before going in search of Jere­my. [jmay, I was gonna sur­prise call you when I got in town, but don’t have your dig­its any­more. I sucked at that. Sor­ry to miss you man.] After the game there was an inter­minable hour spent wait­ing to get out of the park­ing lot, because every­one kept let­ting peo­ple in front of them. I vent­ed my road rage for a bit and then real­ized it would be much bet­ter to appre­ci­ate the good com­pa­ny I was in. Stopped at Fazoli’s on the way home and got back into Cleve­land with­out even being drowsy thanks to great con­ver­sa­tion.

Sun­day was pret­ty much a wash, late break­fast and a cou­ple of recu­per­naps. Watched a pret­ty ter­ri­ble movie called Sun­shine [it is just as for­get­table and pret­ty much exact­ly like some movie that I once saw about going to the cen­ter of the earth and set­ting off a bomb.] while doing infi­nite laun­dry and cleaned house.

Today I fin­ished scrap­ing the walls and sand­ing in the mas­ter bed­room. I also mowed the yard and trimmed and swept and made a list and checked it twice. Tonight or tomor­row I have to watch The Wages of Fear and use the rec­om­mend­ed Zinss­er primer on the walls pri­or to pick­ing out some paint. Prob­a­bly tomor­row, since I’ve been invit­ed to hang out with Sandy and Amy tonight for some grilling.