Even with my wis­dom teeth extract­ed, in addi­tion to all of the oth­er cur­rent injuries, it all still hurts less than one dis­lo­cat­ed kneecap. How­ev­er, it is hard to do most any­thing with­out the use of my dom­i­nant arm. It is pret­ty much like I only have one arm, peri­od. It is hard to wash my hands, put on deodor­ant, wash dish­es, tie shoelaces, but­ton or zip up a coat, type, and wipe.

Eat­ing is actu­al­ly easy, or was until I got chip­munked in my mouth. I’m deft with left-hand­ed uten­sil­ry. I end­ed up get­ting my hydrocodone Rx filled, because the tooth throb­bing was so ridicu­lous. [Appar­ent­ly no spe­cial char­ac­ter exists for the pre­scrip­tion sym­bol]. I only have a $5 copay for gener­ic pre­scrip­tions which is sweet. I did have to drop 20% of the cost of my extrac­tion though. Buy­ing a Mac is going to have to be put off for a cou­ple of months.