I’m preg­nant. That’s right, you heard me. To be per­fect­ly spe­cif­ic, my girl­friend Deb­bie is preg­nant. I’m going to be a father! We’re going to be par­ents! This was­n’t expect­ed or planned, but we both want chil­dren so we’re mak­ing the best of it. This news explains the inter­mit­tent noise amid all of the radio silence here late­ly. We’ve been mov­ing in togeth­er, break­ing the news to our fam­i­ly, and doing some seri­ous psy­cho­log­i­cal adap­ta­tion to our new roles. She’s 15 weeks along at this point, so we’ve had time to get over the ini­tial shock and get excit­ed about the actu­al birth. The due date is June 20th.

I’m not too good at keep­ing a secret and I would have felt like I was lying to post con­tin­u­ous­ly with such impor­tant news kept in the bag along with the cat. We heard the heart­beat the last time we vis­it­ed the doc­tor, and a sono­gram will show up in a few more weeks. Deb­bie had pret­ty awful dawn-to-dawn morn­ing sick­ness for the last three months, but now that it is fad­ing away a bit every­body is less stressed.

Entertainment RoomWe spent Thanks­giv­ing with Deb­bie’s par­ents and Christ­mas with my fam­i­ly. Christ­mas week was a flur­ry of dri­ving and it was good to get back into town, espe­cial­ly since, while we were gone, I had wood floors installed in part of the house. I still have to put down quar­ter-round and grates for the ven­ti­la­tion, not to men­tion work on the walls in the main entry room, but at least two of the room feel like home now.

New Year’s was cel­e­brat­ed with a cou­ple of friends and a tense game of Star Wars Monop­oly. You’re pret­ty much caught up. I’ll now take a few ques­tions.