Life has been too busy to pay much atten­tion to this web­site. I’ve got a redesign about halfway done, but it will con­tin­ue to lan­guish until I don’t have to put in quite so many hours at work; so, after the March 4 Pri­ma­ry. There have been a lot of errands to take care of late­ly, fram­ing art, work­ing on cur­tains, get­ting a rug for the bed­room, so the bed does­n’t ruin the wood floors, work­ing on the wall in the entry room, pay­ing down debt, doing laun­dry, doing dish­es, along with var­i­ous oth­er appoint­ments.

I’ve had a bad sore throat/chest con­ges­tion for a week now. I final­ly bought some Mucinex, but although oth­ers swear by it, I notice no change in my abil­i­ty to hack up dense globs of phlegm. Sleep­ing is a night­mare.

On the baby front, we can feel him kick and punch and throw dance par­ties all of the time. Appar­ent­ly he real­ly likes peanut but­ter.

For din­ner tonight I’m mak­ing sweet pota­to gnoc­chi with sautéed arti­choke hearts and broc­coli with meat­balls on the side.