I decid­ed to go ahead and put my new design out there in its 40% done state. Hav­ing to see it when­ev­er I look at my site should encour­age me to fin­ish it up. I’m using one of Eric Mey­er’s reset styles as the base, and build­ing from it. Even­tu­al­ly I hope to go through each post and fix it up as con­sis­tent­ly and acces­si­bly as pos­si­ble, since I know a lot more about such things than I did even two years ago. I’m also let­ting the design show my new­found inter­est in typog­ra­phy. I’ll be tweak­ing that as I go along as well. As always, if you notice any errors or such, please let me know.

Parts & Labor Screen Print by Jon HicksAfter near­ly going crazy yes­ter­day in my snowe­dini­tude it was nice to get out and about today. I shov­eled the first foot of snow yes­ter­day, so that bust­ing out this morn­ing would­n’t take quite as long. Shov­el­ing my por­tion of the walk was pret­ty easy, but I also had the chance to shov­el out an ambu­lance which had become stuck on Holm­den. I think they for­got to plow our street, since all of the oth­er side streets around us have seen it at least once. The fire truck showed up too to help the ambu­lance. I grabbed a cou­ple of rugs to put under the tires and the ambu­lance man­aged to free itself. Those rugs came in handy twice more today, a few min­utes lat­er I used them to help my neigh­bors who were also stuck in the drifts and then, com­ing back from Deb­bie’s par­ents’ house we used them to get out of their dri­ve­way.

We picked up some home­made sawhors­es so I could use my new cir­cu­lar saw and cut some draw­er bot­toms out of the left­over luaun from the floor instal­la­tion. It was a good use of the scraps, and I fig­ure the cedar will help pre­serve what­ev­er I decide to put in the fil­ing cab­i­net. We also picked up the almost last of our fram­ing orders and hung up a Miro, Giot­to di Bon­done [framed] and a piece I picked up at Pitch­fork last year [framed]. Our pre­vi­ous order includ­ed the Jon Hicks designed screen print [pic­tured] of the Parts & Labor show I was at last sum­mer.