This year it seems like it is tak­ing for­ev­er to warm up. I was rid­ing to work ear­li­er this week, head­ing north­bound on West 25th when I noticed that the flags on my side of the street were blow­ing at me. Which is nor­mal since I usu­al­ly ride into the wind on my way to work. On the oth­er side of the street, I noticed that the flags were blow­ing with me, which also makes sense, because on my way back from work I usu­al­ly ride into the wind. Nor­mal­ly this is just slight­ly annoy­ing, but even though I’ve lived in Cleve­land for 5 years now, I’m still not used to the late cold and hav­ing frozen hands and ears in late May. Thank­ful­ly it is sup­posed to get into the 60s this week­end. By late next week it will prob­a­bly be 90 until Novem­ber when it will drop to 40 again. Heh.