I’m tak­ing Basics of Pro­gram­ming; Intro to ASP.Net; Intro to SQL and JavaScript class­es this sum­mer. So far I’ve had one each of ASP.Net and SQL. I’ve learned a bit about ASP.Net pro­gram­ming through hav­ing to mess with the code of the Coun­ty’s CMS and tweak­ing what the devel­op­ers pro­vide me, but the class is help­ing me under­stand the gestalt much bet­ter. The SQL class is a blast. I com­plete­ly under­stand every­thing that has been cov­ered so far.

The only down­side to these class­es is the tim­ing. Some are at night from 6–9, which eats up a whole day includ­ing work, and oth­ers are all day on Sat­ur­day, which eats the bet­ter part of my week­end. Since I’m work­ing on the house and bid­ing time to the impend­ing baby, I’m hav­ing less chance to work off the sym­pa­thy weight I put on over the win­ter. My legs are in good shape from bik­ing to work for two months now, but I’m doughy from the waist up. The only answer to this is mak­ing my life more dis­ci­plined; rationing my meals and set­ting aside time for oth­er aer­o­bic exer­cise. I need to drop back to 180#, and the only way that’s going to hap­pen is if I eat right and run off the extra 10#.