I man­aged to get sea­son tick­ets to the Notre Dame home games this year. This year it also looks like I won’t be able to go to any of them. Hav­ing a five-month old and lim­it­ed child-care options will do that to you. I don’t know how much longer I’ll be able to enter the lot­tery, even with my Mono­gram Club mem­ber­ship. Mem­ber­ship dues for alum­ni who’ve been grad­u­at­ed for over sev­en years went up to $300 a year.

I tried to share my Pitt tick­ets with my friend Chas, but his grand­moth­er is hav­ing her 90th birth­day cel­e­bra­tion that week­end. My alum­ni friend Liam did­n’t have time to enter the alum­ni lot­tery this year, but he wants the tick­ets to the Pitt game to meet up with some oth­er alum­ni friends.

The rest of the tick­ets are going to my uncle. Corbin is prob­a­bly the biggest ND fan in the fam­i­ly, and he sub­si­dizes my tick­et order­ing [which amount­ed to $800 this year]. I real­ly only ever want to go to one home game per year, so he always takes the rest of what­ev­er I get. He laid dibs on the Michi­gan tick­ets right away.

Basi­cal­ly I jumped through all the hoops that I usu­al­ly do, but don’t get a pay­off this year. No vaca­tion, no ND foot­ball game, its a good thing I have a baby to play with.