Abra­ham slept from 8:30 to 5:00 last night, so I actu­al­ly man­aged to have a long, involved adven­ture dream of the likes I’ve not had in quite some time.

The ear­li­est part I can remem­ber is that a friend of mine need­ed me to sell her a car. I was­n’t actu­al­ly a car sales­man, although I had an office at a used car deal­er­ship. I was sort of a PI/an­swer-man, so the own­er of the deal­er­ship let me have my space because it brought peo­ple to the place to come see me.

All of this takes place in a Chil­dren of Men/Half-Life sort of near future. Even­tu­al­ly I wind up under gov­ern­ment inves­ti­ga­tion and they’ve cap­tured some of my “busi­ness asso­ciates” so a game of cat and mouse ensues where I have to fig­ure out how to free them with­out being caught myself. There is a mole among all of the peo­ple I’m around, which makes it dou­bly hard. We’re the good guys, of course, fight­ing against a cor­rupt gov­ern­ment. The divi­sion between rich and poor is extreme­ly polar­ized. The rich are indo­lent, basi­cal­ly spend­ing all of their time schmooz­ing, buy­ing expen­sive stuff from flashy places and slum­ming. There was an interesing dynam­ic between the shiny store­fronts and their dark back alleys. Restau­rants where peo­ple are served plates of pre­cious gems in high-rise tow­ers are steps away from guys play­ing Rube Gold­berg-like relays races with kegs and cas­es of beer.

I’m weav­ing my way through all of this, keep­ing one step ahead of the pur­suit, and also try­ing to track down my love inter­est, who is avoid­ing me for some rea­son. I even­tu­al­ly run into her in a dingy out­skirt at sun­set, we final­ly admit that we love each oth­er and then I fig­ure out she’s the mole, but too late. I try to escape back into the flashy places, but they’ve been arranged so that I can’t escape.

I want­ed to dream to con­tin­ue, but the baby cried.