Today I vot­ed at the BOE. Let me tell you, they are pre­pared. You should go vote ear­ly if you haven’t already. There are two large rooms full of peo­ple eager to make vot­ing as easy as pos­si­ble. It looks like there are a cou­ple hun­dred avail­able vot­ing booths. The longest part of the process was mak­ing my way through the 4 page bal­lot. The issue lan­guage for the City of Cleve­land char­ter amend­ments is a bit dense, so I encour­age you to do your home­work before going in, so you can fill out the bal­lot quick­ly.

Judge 4 Your­self can help with choos­ing among the judge races.
Here’s a link to the PDF of the mail­er that Cleve­land Coun­cil sent out about the pro­posed char­ter amend­ments.

That about takes care of the hard stuff to learn about in regard to this year’s elec­tion. The state amend­ments are clear­ly explained and fair­ly easy to find more about online.

Take it seri­ous­ly! Go Vote! It’s the most impor­tant civic activ­i­ty that you can par­tic­i­pate in.