I smelled smoke just a bit ago yes­ter­day and saw quite a bit blow­ing past my win­dow. Turns out a fire had just start­ed in an almost emp­ty house a block south of me. The down­stairs res­i­dents had vacat­ed a week ear­li­er, and the upstairs fel­low got out before the fire start­ed. The address is 3279 West 17th Street, just north of Metro Hos­pi­tal. I called it in to 911 and it had already been report­ed. Fire trucks from Sta­tions 20, 24 and 4 were on the scene right away. The near­by Fire Sta­tion 21, which has been closed, was­n’t on the scene. I grabbed my cam­era, took some video, and after I saw that some stringers from WKYC showed up, decid­ed to see if I could get the video online before them. This ain’t gonna hap­pen since com­press­ing and export­ing from Final Cut took frig­gin’ for­ev­er and upload­ing an 800MB file to YouTube ain’t no speed-along nei­ther [been upload­ing for 5 hours, now going to bed]. Nar­rat­ed using my best smarmy weblog­ger voice.

Update: the fire was arson:

Arson at 3279 West 17th Street