• I went for a run for the first time in a dog’s age today. Put in a lit­tle over 3.5 miles at 11 min­utes a mile. Not so good, but not that bad for a 28 year old with an arthrit­ic knee, a 9 month old, and a year plus of most­ly seden­tary liv­ing. My knee hurts, but the weath­er is beau­ti­ful.
  • What the hell, man. When I come to the cash reg­is­ter to pur­chase my item, all I want to do is exchange mon­ey for prod­uct and get the hell out of your store. I do not:
    1. have the store cred­it card;
    2. want the store cred­it card;
    3. and will not give you my phone number/zip code;
    4. want to search around for anoth­er item that will enable me to save $5 while spend­ing $10 more; and
    5. care about the cus­tomer sat­is­fac­tion sur­vey that I can fill out online or by phone that will enable me to get an addi­tion­al 10% off my pur­chase of $50 or more with­in the next five days.
  • Went to a show at Now That’s Class. Wish­ing the hip hop scene was big­ger or more eas­i­ly acces­si­ble, not sure which it needs to be.
  • I was excit­ed that the gener­ic brand of instant oat­meal was on super sale.
  • I’m plan­ning on build­ing a road bike again this sum­mer, hope­ful­ly I’ll actu­al­ly get to do it. The first order of busi­ness is find­ing a 62–64cm ear­ly-80s steel frame from the Ohio City Bike Coop. Some­how I don’t think a frame that size is going to be easy to come by.