The last cou­ple of days have been great. Good weath­er after a seem­ing­ly end­less win­ter does that, I guess. Fri­day I got to work from home for the major­i­ty of the day since we were shoot­ing a video for the Sol­id Waste Dis­trict about the prop­er ways to dis­pose of latex paint. The night before, my new neigh­bor need­ed to bor­row some elec­tric­i­ty and end­ed up giv­ing me a whole bunch of ancient paint to use for the PSA. The labels on the cans are pret­ty cool:

Ancient Paint Cans with Cool Labels

The shoot went well and I end­ed up hav­ing to bust ass back to work in order to give a pre­sen­ta­tion to a bunch of folks about using our Con­tent Man­age­ment Sys­tem. Slept with the heat off and the win­dow open for the first time in sev­en months.

This morn­ing Abra­ham woke us up at 6:30 and after he’d had a bit to drink we watched the sun­rise and learned about out­side. He loves touch­ing trees and look­ing at how huge they are. He does­n’t like grass; it is too prick­ly.

I spent most of the day shirt­less in the back­yard. I tore up a cou­ple of peach trees using my bare hands:

Peach Trees I uprooted with my bare hands.

I also cleaned out the shed, turned the soil over my tiny gar­den, and got every­thing plant­ed. The all-toma­toes-all-the-time patch last sum­mer has been reduced to two plants. The rest of the space is occu­pied by a bell pep­per, basil, chives, oregano and cilantro.

My garden

I had beans & rice for din­ner on the porch, and after the lit­tle guy goes down for the night, I’m going to eat some choco­late-peanut-but­ter ice cream on the porch.

My porch still needs a rail-mount­ed beer-bot­tle open­er. Speak­ing of that, here’s a list of oth­er things that I need to do around the house (in no par­tic­u­lar order):

  • Remod­el Kitchen
  • Till & resow back­yard
  • Dig up one more peach tree and replace it with some­thing that will pro­vide shade
  • Replace rot­ten sid­ing
  • New gut­ters
  • Paint the exte­ri­or of the house
  • Fin­ish bath­room
  • Get cov­ers on roof & chim­ney & get the flash­ing checked out.
  • Fix base­ment plumb­ing
  • Get a cov­er for the AC & get it hooked back up to the fur­nace.
  • Get new screen doors
  • Refin­ish front door
  • Bring wiring up to code
  • New win­dows
  • Doors rehung