I’ve been very busy late­ly over at The Design State, and swim­ming around the eGov­ern­ment, Gov 2.0 web. Keep­ing in the Gov­Loop. Today I became an Invit­ed Expert on the W3C’s eGov­ern­ment Inter­est Group. I’m try­ing to expand my exper­tise in my field, and talk­ing with peers from around the globe on how they are imple­ment­ing or try­ing to imple­ment social media and oth­er en vogue appli­ca­tions into their gov­ern­ment web strat­e­gy is very ful­fill­ing; espe­cial­ly when it is so hard to find some­one local­ly who’s on the same page as I am, or inter­est­ed in read­ing the same book for that mat­ter.

When I spoke at the West­side Lead­er­ship Col­lab­o­ra­tive a few weeks ago I was asked to put togeth­er a lit­tle guide for com­mu­ni­ty folks to use for set­ting up their own com­mu­ni­ty web pres­ence. I fin­ished it up tonight and though it is still rough, I hope it will help more non-tech­ni­cal folks gain the con­fi­dence to cre­ate some swim­ming holes of their own. That’s why I called it Water­wings.

I’ve been doing oth­er stuff online as well. At one point I had a line on 7 dif­fer­ent web-relat­ed projects, but I’ve not heard back from most of the peo­ple in weeks, if not months. That’s the way things usu­al­ly end up for me. I do feel like I’m get­ting caught up and set­tled in on the work I’m try­ing to accom­plish. I’m hop­ing to tie up a few more loose ends before I leave for Cana­da in three weeks. Those fish bet­ter watch out.