Pret­ty much right after I shut down Tremon­ter, I was con­tact­ed by a local guy who was inter­est­ed in start­ing a new weblog for the Cleve­land area. He brought me on board for sev­er­al rea­sons: my famil­iar­i­ty with Word­Press, my pas­sion for Cleve­land, my knowl­edge of the local blog­ging com­mu­ni­ty and my writ­ing abil­i­ty. I’ve sort of been his point man for set­ting up this new site, scroung­ing up writ­ers and gen­er­al­ly mak­ing sure his vision is well trans­lat­ed to cyber­space.

From the mini-about us sec­tion:

BLACKHEART Cleve­land brings the best and worst of Cleve­land to light in order to show you what Cleve­land was, is, and can be.

The BLACKHEART Man­i­festo is our first real post. Head on over, and take a look. I hope you enjoy it.