My life has been extreme­ly great late­ly. Abra­ham is a per­son now, even though I some­times think we used too many mon­keys when assem­bling him. He is some­one I can inter­act with and play with all the time. I can antic­i­pate the direc­tion he’ll grow and be con­stant­ly sur­prised by how often I’m right and how often he goes not even the oppo­site way, but a way I nev­er even imag­ined. I’ll be at work and then I’ll think about him and want to hug him. I expect this to con­tin­ue for­ev­er.

The weath­er has been my favorite kind, I’ve been eat­ing great food and mak­ing home­made dark choco­late and home­made green tea ice cream. I went to the health fair and found out that I’m slight­ly health­i­er than last year. The work on the house is done, and though my bank account is deplet­ed, I get paid three times in Octo­ber.

Octo­ber means Hal­loween, which means I have to fig­ure out what cos­tume I’m going to wear and what Hal­loween show I’m going to attend. We also might have a fall cook­out.

This week­end I get to see my friend Jere­my and his fam­i­ly, and go to the Notre Dame/Washington game.

There’s some­thing else too, but I can’t seem to remem­ber what it is…