I’ve been neglect­ing this site for quite some time. There are a bunch of rea­sons for this, but none of them are good excus­es. I’ve been a busy man, and real life has been keep­ing me bless­ed­ly busy with school, con­fer­ences, hol­i­day trav­el, hol­i­day shop­ping and col­lab­o­ra­tion with some local folks. When my life rearranged itself a few years ago, I decid­ed to only write when there were impor­tant things to say. When Bram showed up, I told myself I would­n’t let this place turn into every oth­er weblog of a new par­ent.

All of which is a betray­al of the main rea­son I start­ed this thing, way back in Jan­u­ary of 2002. To write things down that I thought or thought were impor­tant on a dai­ly basis. As a way to find my voice. Time to get back on track. I’m going to write at least a small post on a dai­ly basis, just like back in the day.