I’m try­ing to write more and be more pos­i­tive. These week­ly wrap-ups will prob­a­bly con­tin­ue. It’s going to be hard to be “plus-side” this week. It has been a very emo­tion­al­ly try­ing one.

I took a walk tonight to get a slaw dog at Steve’s Din­er and got to see the amaz­ing har­vest moon. I have enjoyed liv­ing in Old Brook­lyn so much more than liv­ing in Tremont.

I am part of a team at work that does drag­on boat­ing as part of the Cleve­land Drag­on Boat­ing Asso­ci­a­tion. The fes­ti­val was today, and we end­ed up com­ing home with third place medal — which we earned. It’s nice to be part of a focused team envi­ron­ment that has a clear and eas­i­ly mea­sured goal. So much of mod­ern work (and this is not a com­plaint) requires com­plex teams with dif­fer­ing time­lines and goals, that when a project is com­plete, it might nev­er real­ly feel like it. And it’s even rar­er that you have time to cel­e­brate after.

I’ve been hav­ing more luck with get­ting Abra­ham to do things that he has, in the past, not been inclined to do. I think I’ve either been too sim­ple or too com­plex in my expla­na­tions as to why he should eat broc­coli, for exam­ple. I find out what he pre­con­cep­tions are (broc­coli is sog­gy) and then explain that he had obvi­ous­ly had over­cooked broc­coli, and that is can be very tasty in oth­er ways. Then I explained the nutri­tion­al val­ue and how those vit­a­mins & min­er­als affect his body. Next thing I know, he’s chomp­ing away. This method has also worked a bit with the neat­ness of his school­work.

My friend Amy is a trea­sure. She’s my longest and stead­i­est friend here in Cleve­land and if we get to choose friends as a sec­ond fam­i­ly, she’s my first choice for sis­ter.

I went to Sabor Mia­mi for lunch ear­li­er this week, and was greet­ed by name, and treat­ed to an amaz­ing­ly deli­cious lunch. The whole expe­ri­ence bright­ened my day.

My car does­n’t smell much like salt­ed caramel/vanilla lat­te any­more after an acci­dent I had in it a few weeks ago. Either that or I’ve got olfac­to­ry fatigue.