As I kind of expect­ed, writ­ing on this weblog again has been fruit­ful. I was heav­i­ly dis­cour­aged from com­men­tary for so long at my old “only 2 raids by the FBI this cen­tu­ry” job and self-cen­sored myself for long after that; I’ve enjoyed writ­ing for much of my life, but I did­n’t real­ize how much it helped my men­tal and cre­ative state, even if it’s just jour­nal­ing. My retreat from social media remains an excel­lent deci­sion. I was wast­ing my com­mu­nica­tive ener­gy post­ing and inter­act­ing in those rot­ten walled gar­dens. The inter­net can real­ly screw with your men­tal topog­ra­phy.

I’ve even been writ­ing poems again; I’m hop­ing to ride this wave as long as I can.