One must lean toward epis­tle or apho­rism rather than dis­ser­ta­tion; the act of wid­der­shins.

Life feels like it is just prac­tice because it is just prac­tice.

One must imag­ine Sisy­phus’ recog­ni­tion that there is an end to just prac­tice; that there is no end to just prac­tice; that there is no just prac­tice.

The day of reck­on­ing is always a loss of just prac­tice.

One must imag­ine alter­na­tive cul­tur­al evo­lu­tions sans the bro­ken arrow of cap­i­tal or com­mune.

Jain wis­dom of wind­fall. What six hun­dred and fifty thou­sand years of grace and grat­i­tude does to humankind. What dif­fer­ent things we know by accept­ing what is no longer need­ed and just prac­tic­ing with it. Dropped feath­er by dropped feath­er — to fly — as a bird flies.

The knife is sharp­ened by hard­ness // the jel­ly­fish sus­tained by being what its world is

One must imag­ine there is always, at the least, a third choice.

You are the third choice — just prac­tice.