The Neigh­bor­hood Con­nec­tions grant-mak­ing com­mit­tee met again last night to start the fall round of grant dis­cern­ment. We had deli­cious food from Luchi­ta’s. This round only had about 60% the num­ber of pro­pos­als com­pared to the spring round. This is, appar­ent­ly, typ­i­cal. But it means that you have a bet­ter chance of being fund­ed if you apply for a grant in August.

I’m review­ing pro­pos­als from Clark-Metro, Detroit-Shore­way and Old Brook­lyn this time ’round. The grants were good for the most part, we only culled three from our group, one had a cou­ple hun­dred thou­sand in fund­ing already, so they got the axe even though the project was a good idea.