DSC00658I’m in Nashville for a week­end con­fer­ence on com­mu­ni­ty orga­niz­ing spon­sored by Neigh­bor­Works Amer­i­ca. The weath­er is beau­ti­ful and the peo­ple are quite friend­ly. The down­town is thriv­ing and ful­ly exploit­ing its coun­try-west­ern roots. I think Cleve­land should real­ly put a sim­i­lar pull on rock and roll. The Coun­try Music Hall of Fame looks about 5 times larg­er than the Rock Hall. I’m stay­ing in the Renais­sance Nashville, which has inter­net access for $12 a day. Instead I’m mooching off of some­one named krikey. Thanks, krikey!

Work­shops start tomor­row, and I’ll write about what I’m learn­ing.