I’ve got so much web-based work to do that I’m con­sid­er­ing drop­ping the $50/mo it would cost to have inter­net access at home again. The redesign of Tremon­ter is mov­ing fit­ful­ly, I’m hav­ing to teach myself much mySQL, and Dru­pal’s doc­u­men­ta­tion assumes a cer­tain lev­el of devel­op­er exper­tise that I’m just now get­ting. The inter­ac­tive Google API-dri­ven neigh­bor­hood map I have plans for has­n’t even been glanced at. I run into too many peo­ple that I know at Civ­i­liza­tion to accom­plish much, and the Jef­fer­son Library dis­al­lows FTP access. I’ll prob­a­bly just ride on over to Talkies.

Actu­al­ly, it looks like Adel­phia has a $24/mo for 3/mos deal going on if you sign up online. Of course, there is a $35 acti­va­tion fee along with that and their online sign-up form is bust­ed. So much for that deal.