The three mile run I put in today went much bet­ter. The air was warmer, and although I inhaled a large amount of exhaust, my breath­ing was much bet­ter as well. I ran the three miles in about 25 min­utes, and if I can end up keep­ing that pace through­out the marathon I’ll be quite pleased. Steve Gold­berg almost ran me over while I was mak­ing my way down Abbey Road. The lac­tic acid was quite pow­er­ful this evening, but sit­ting on my ass for three hours and watch­ing The Sev­en Samu­rai did­n’t do much to help that out. My hip flex­or still feels a bit weird, but I stretched before and after the run so I think I’m okay. Just got­ta work through this stiff­ness. At least it’s been easy to find my stride and breath­ing rhythm again.