instead of writ­ing one of my 4 papers, yes­ter­day was spent log­ging, cap­tur­ing, and edit­ing my trib­ute to the 2002–2003 Nation­al Cham­pi­ons: The Notre Dame Fenc­ing Team. Not only was it fun to get back behind an edit­ing util­i­ty, i also got to be a bit nos­tal­gic over the days in HS when i would make music videos for var­i­ous sports upcom­ing tour­na­ments. i’m not going to post a link to the video because some of you schmoes who read this are on the fenc­ing team. NO PEEKING!

in the next two weeks i’m going to recap my var­i­ous years here at ND. they posts will prob­a­bly be long and unin­ter­est­ing. as opposed to the typ­i­cal short and unin­ter­est­ing.