I’ve decid­ed to use Twit­ter for my own nefar­i­ous pur­pos­es. I’ve nev­er real­ly liked the looks of the thing, and it seems incred­i­bly bor­ing viewed from the most com­mon uses in which I’ve seen it imple­ment­ed. It has also result­ed in peo­ple refer­ring to oth­er peo­ple in com­ments using the @ sym­bol, which is mind-bog­gling­ly annoy­ing. How­ev­er, like all things Inter­net, it con­tains the pos­si­bil­i­ty to be gamed, and though I don’t pos­sess the req­ui­site malev­o­lence to tru­ly attempt to game it, I’m just gonna do my own thing [which I’m sure isn’t even orig­i­nal, though I haven’t even checked that]. Blind­ers are nice. I just wish I had less than 140 char­ac­ters to work with.

At this point, I don’t believe that I’m going to fol­low any­one on Twit­ter. I’m just going to post one line a day using my dash­board wid­get and oth­er­wise pre­tend that I’m not using Twit­ter at all. Instead, I’ll see the results of my exper­i­ment in the foot­er of my weblog. [The plu­g­in of which appears to not quite be work­ing exact­ly well].