DSC01291On Fri­day I spent about 5 hours on the Art­Walk, includ­ing judg­ing a Mutts­quer­ade, and on Sat­ur­day and Sun­day I spent much of my time on the redesign of Tremon­ter. The design itself is pret­ty much fin­ished, and now I’m just tweak­ing the con­fig­u­ra­tion, adding more con­tent and a bit more func­tion­al­i­ty. If I can just fig­ure out how to get the lat­est ver­sion of Dru­pal to import Mov­able­Type con­tent, I’ll prob­a­bly just go ahead and launch it. I might have to con­vert from Mov­able­Type to Word­Press to Dru­pal first.

The down­side to this is that the extra step will mean that the old MT links won’t redi­rect to Dru­pal like they do in pre­vi­ous ver­sions of the con­ver­sion. Cur­rent­ly it looks as though there is no way to port phpBB forums into a Dru­pal instal­la­tion, so I’ll just have to lock down that DB once the inte­grat­ed func­tion­al­i­ty of Dru­pal goes live.

I also had din­ner on Sun­day at La Tor­tilla Feliz, which was deli­cious, although just a lit­tle bit more expen­sive than the quality/amount of the food would sug­gest. Patrick told me this well over a year ago. I’ll prob­a­bly stop in often when I get the crav­ing for fried plan­tains though. Man those things are deli­cious. Please share any plain­tain recipes that you have.

Art­walk Pho­to­set, Mutts­quer­ade Pho­to­set, La Tor­tilla Feliz Pho­to­set.